Zachary Hartmann has Physician Assistant as his primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 3801 Lake Otis Pkwy in Anchorage, Alaska.
There is an additional office location, for a total of two, for Zachary Hartmann that can be viewed further down.
They're a part of the: Orthoalaska Llc medical group which has around 125 members. You can call their office at 907-562-2277 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Sorry, his university is not listed and graduated in 2018 (around 6 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.
Zachary Hartmann
Orthoalaska Llc
3801 Lake Otis Pkwy
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Phone: 907-562-2277
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Medical School: Sorry, his university is not listed
Graduation Year: 2018
The Primary Medical Specialty for Zachary Hartmann is listed as: Physician Assistant
Approximate Years of Experience: 6
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 6608116132
NPI #: 1942783170
NPI Created On: 09/13/2018
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 09/13/2018
Primary Taxonomy Code: 363AS0400X
Listed Gender: Male
Services and Procedures include:
Open Payments Data. This can include items to test (Durable Medical Equipment (DME)), Biological, Drug Samples, etc. This data must be reported to CMS.
Payments Total: $30
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 781467837
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Postoperative Pain
Name of Drug #1: Zynrelef
Open Associated Drug #1: 47426-301-02
1. Select Physical Therapy Holdings Inc
10325 Old Seward Hwy
Anchorage, AK 99515
Suite 201
Group Members: 1,829
Phone: 907-562-2277
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4320 Diplomacy Dr
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
4315 Diplomacy Dr
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
2751 Debarr Rd
Anchorage, AK
Innovative Neurosurgery Associates, Llc
2801 Debarr Rd
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Heart Institute
3200 Providence Dr
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Heart Institute
3841 Piper St
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Heart Institute
3801 Lake Otis Pkwy
Anchorage Ak 99508-5234
Orthoalaska Llc
Orthopedic Surgery
4100 Lake Otis Pkwy
Anchorage Ak 99508-5230
Orthoalaska Llc
Physician Assistant
3801 Lake Otis Pkwy
Anchorage Ak 99508-5234
Orthoalaska Llc
Physician Assistant
13015 Old Glenn Hwy
Eagle River Ak 99577-7572
Orthoalaska Llc
Family Practice
3125 E Meridian Park Loop
Wasilla Ak 99654-7474
Orthoalaska Llc
Family Practice
3801 Lake Otis Pkwy
Anchorage Ak 99508-5234
Orthoalaska Llc
Orthopedic Surgery
View all 125 members of Orthoalaska Llc medical group