David Schatz has Psychiatry as his primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 2060 Fairmont Dr in San Leandro, California.
There is an additional office location, for a total of two, for David Schatz that can be viewed further down.
They're a part of the: Alameda Health System medical group which has around 507 members. You can call their office at 510-346-7500 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Perelman School Of Med At The University Of Pennsylvania and graduated in 2005 (around 19 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.
David Schatz
Alameda Health System
2060 Fairmont Dr
San Leandro, California 94578
Phone: 510-346-7500
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Medical School: Perelman School Of Med At The University Of Pennsylvania
Graduation Year: 2005
The Primary Medical Specialty for David Schatz is listed as: Psychiatry
Approximate Years of Experience: 19
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 9335281112
NPI #: 1801082375
NPI Created On: 09/19/2007
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 02/19/2016
Primary Taxonomy Code: 2084P0800X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Male
1. Alameda Health System
1411 E 31st St
Oakland, CA 94602
Group Members: 507
Phone: 510-346-7500
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15400 Foothill Blvd
San-leandro, CA
Alameda Health System
15400 Foothill Blvd
San-leandro, CA
Alameda Health System
15400 Foothill Blvd H
San-leandro, CA
Alameda Health System
2060 Fairmont Dr
San-leandro, CA
Alameda Health System
2060 Fairmont Dr
San-leandro, CA
Alameda Health System
2060 Fairmont Dr
San-leandro, CA
Alameda Health System
2070 Clinton Ave
Alameda Ca 94501-4399
Alameda Health System
Vascular Surgery
15400 Foothill Blvd
San Leandro Ca 94578-1009
Alameda Health System
Vascular Surgery
15400 Foothill Blvd H
San Leandro Ca 94578-1009
Alameda Health System
Vascular Surgery
13855 E 14th St
San Leandro Ca 94578-2611
Alameda Health System
Vascular Surgery
1411 E 31st St
Oakland Ca 94602-1018
Alameda Health System
Vascular Surgery
664 Southland Mall
Hayward Ca 94545-2150
Alameda Health System
Vascular Surgery
View all 507 members of Alameda Health System medical group