Carly Beesley has Nurse Practitioner as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 5304 N Rd in Pasco, Washington.
They're a part of the: Lourdes Hospital Llc medical group which has around 35 members. You can call their office at 509-543-9300 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Washington State University Elson S Floyd College Of Medicine and graduated in 2018 (around 6 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.
Carly Beesley
Lourdes Hospital Llc
5304 N Rd
Pasco, Washington 99301
Phone: 509-543-9300
Enter a starting address:
Medical School: Washington State University Elson S Floyd College Of Medicine
Graduation Year: 2018
The Primary Medical Specialty for Carly Beesley is listed as: Nurse Practitioner
Approximate Years of Experience: 6
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 0941698500
NPI #: 1710656814
NPI Created On: 09/10/2021
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 09/10/2021
Primary Taxonomy Code: 363LF0000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female
515 W Court St
Pasco, WA
Tri-cities Community Health
4605 Rd
Pasco, WA
Health First Urgent Care, Pllc
5304 N Rd
Pasco, WA
Lourdes Hospital Llc
520 N 4th Ave
Pasco, WA
Northwest Physician Associates Pc
5506 Rd
Pasco, WA
Express Care Wa Pc
6115 Burden Blvd
Pasco, WA
Columbia Basin Health Association
7425 Wrigley Dr
Pasco Wa 99301-5292
Lourdes Hospital Llc
Family Practice
5304 N Rd
Pasco Wa 99301-8078
Lourdes Hospital Llc
Family Practice
5304 N Rd
Pasco Wa 99301-8078
Lourdes Hospital Llc
Nurse Practitioner
520 N 4th Ave
Pasco Wa 99301-5257
Lourdes Hospital Llc
7425 Wrigley Dr
Pasco Wa 99301-5292
Lourdes Hospital Llc
7425 Wrigley Dr
Pasco Wa 99301-5292
Lourdes Hospital Llc
Family Practice
View all 35 members of Lourdes Hospital Llc medical group