Michelle Zetoony Nudell has Internal Medicine as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 10707 66th St N in Pinellas Park, Florida.
They're a part of the: Do Sleep Solutions Inc medical group which has around 2 members. You can call their office at 727-826-0933 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Philadelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine and graduated in 2003 (around 21 years of experience). They are listed as doing telehealth appointments.
Michelle Zetoony Nudell
Do Sleep Solutions Inc
10707 66th St N
Pinellas Park, Florida 33782
Phone: 727-826-0933
Enter a starting address:
Additional Medical Specialties Include:
Medical School: Philadelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine
Graduation Year: 2003
The Primary Medical Specialty for Michelle Zetoony Nudell is listed as: Internal Medicine
Approximate Years of Experience: 21
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 1456533157
NPI #: 1679785364
NPI Created On: 05/04/2007
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 07/18/2018
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207R00000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female
Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:
They are listed as accepting new patients.
Languages spoken by staff include: English.
Services and Procedures include:
Open Payments Data. This can include items to test (Durable Medical Equipment (DME)), Biological, Drug Samples, etc. This data must be reported to CMS.
Payments Total: $34
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 852030433
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: No
Payments Total: $12
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: Cash or cash equivalent
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 817806225
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Neurology
Name of Drug #1: Dayvigo
Open Associated Drug #1: 62856-405-30
Payments Total: $13
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: Cash or cash equivalent
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 818069607
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Neurology
Name of Drug #1: Dayvigo
Open Associated Drug #1: 62856-405-30
Payments Total: $5
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 845552169
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROLOGY
Name of Drug #1: SUNOSI
Open Associated Drug #1: 68727-351-02
Payments Total: $8
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 845554501
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROLOGY
Name of Drug #1: SUNOSI
Open Associated Drug #1: 68727-351-02
Payments Total: $12
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 845554503
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROLOGY
Name of Drug #1: SUNOSI
Open Associated Drug #1: 68727-351-02
Payments Total: $6
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 845576617
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROLOGY
Name of Drug #1: XYWAV
Open Associated Drug #1: 68727-150-01
Payments Total: $6
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 845580431
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROLOGY
Name of Drug #1: XYWAV
Open Associated Drug #1: 68727-150-01
Payments Total: $4
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 845583359
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROLOGY
Name of Drug #1: SUNOSI
Open Associated Drug #1: 68727-351-02
Payments Total: $6
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 845583361
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROLOGY
Name of Drug #1: SUNOSI
Open Associated Drug #1: 68727-351-02
9165 Us Hwy 19 N
Pinellas-park, FL
Optumcare Florida, Llc
4423 Park Blvd
Pinellas-park, FL
Live Better Health Center Llc
7047 66th St N
Pinellas-park, FL
Hernando Pasco Primary Care Llc
7322 Us Hwy 19 N
Pinellas-park, FL
Conviva Medical Center Management, Llc
7800 66th St N
Pinellas-park, FL
Optumcare Florida, Llc
6225 66 St N
Pinellas-park, FL
West Central Gastroenterology Llp
10707 66th St N
Pinellas Park Fl 33782-2353
Do Sleep Solutions Inc
Nurse Practitioner
10707 66th St N
Pinellas Park Fl 33782-2353
Do Sleep Solutions Inc
Internal Medicine
View all 2 members of Do Sleep Solutions Inc medical group