Kelly White has Internal Medicine as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 12605 E 16th Ave in Aurora, Colorado.
They're a part of the: University Physicians Incorporated medical group which has around 2,655 members. You can call their office at 720-848-0000 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended University Of Colorado School Of Medicine, Denver and graduated in 1998 (around 26 years of experience). They are listed as doing telehealth appointments.
Kelly White
University Physicians Incorporated
12605 E 16th Ave
Aurora, Colorado 80045
Phone: 720-848-0000
Enter a starting address:
Medical School: University Of Colorado School Of Medicine, Denver
Graduation Year: 1998
The Primary Medical Specialty for Kelly White is listed as: Internal Medicine
Approximate Years of Experience: 26
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 7416088802
NPI #: 1669562245
NPI Created On: 10/13/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 01/03/2011
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207R00000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female
Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:
They are listed as accepting new patients.
Languages spoken by staff include: English, Spanish.
Services and Procedures include:
Open Payments Data. This can include items to test (Durable Medical Equipment (DME)), Biological, Drug Samples, etc. This data must be reported to CMS.
Payments Total: $13
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 811198757
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: No
Payments Total: $11
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 811719779
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Obesity
Name of Drug #1: Saxenda
Open Associated Drug #1: 0169-2800-15
Payments Total: $11
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Context of payment:: Informational Meal
Record ID:: 829478011
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: No
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Tapestry Telehealth Pllc
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Chess Medicine Pllc
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University Physicians Incorporated
1635 Aurora Ct
Aurora Co 80045-2541
University Physicians Incorporated
12605 E 16th Ave
Aurora Co 80045-2545
University Physicians Incorporated
13123 E 16th Ave
Aurora Co 80045-7106
University Physicians Incorporated
12605 E 16th Ave
Aurora Co 80045-2545
University Physicians Incorporated
13123 E 16th Ave
Aurora Co 80045-7106
University Physicians Incorporated
View all 2,655 members of University Physicians Incorporated medical group