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Abigail Kay MD in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Home Pennsylvania Philadelphia

Abigail Kay MD has Psychiatry as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 925 Chestnut St in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There are 3 additional office locations for Abigail Kay MD that can be viewed towards the end of their profile.

They're a part of the: Jefferson University Physicians medical group which has around 1,276 members. You can call their office at 215-955-8874 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Rutgers R W Johnson Medical School (cam/new Bruns/pisc) and graduated in 2001 (around 23 years of experience). They are listed as doing telehealth appointments.

Abigail L Kay MD Office Phone and Directions

Abigail Kay MD
Jefferson University Physicians
925 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

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Phone: 215-955-8874

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Healthcare Info for Abigail Kay MD

Medical School: Rutgers R W Johnson Medical School (cam/new Bruns/pisc)
Graduation Year: 2001
The Primary Medical Specialty for Abigail Kay MD is listed as: Psychiatry
Credentials: MD
Additional Credentials:
Approximate Years of Experience: 23
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 2264460096
NPI #: 1669498903
NPI Created On: 07/13/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 07/08/2007
Primary Taxonomy Code: 2084P0800X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female

Insurance, Services, Charges

Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:

  • AmeriHealth New Jersey
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Humana
  • Medicare

They are listed as accepting new patients.

Languages spoken by staff include: English.

Services and Procedures include:

  1. Subsequent hospital inpatient care, typically 15 minutes per day

They took part in the Medicare Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS).

Additional Office Locations

1. Jefferson University Physicians
33 S 9th Street 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Jefferson Rehabilitation Medicine
Group Members: 1,276

Phone: 215-955-8874

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2. Jefferson University Physicians
833 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Suite 138
Group Members: 1,276

Phone: 215-955-8874

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3. Jefferson University Physicians
111 S 11th St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Group Members: 1,276

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Psychiatry Professionals in Philadelphia

100 E Lehigh Ave
Philadelphia, PA
Temple Faculty Practice Plan Inc

1316 W Ontario St
Philadelphia, PA
Temple Faculty Practice Plan Inc

3535 Market St
Philadelphia, PA
University Of Penn - Medical Group

2418 E York St
Philadelphia, PA
Mccd Fl Psychiatry Services Pa

100 E Lehigh Ave
Philadelphia, PA
Temple Faculty Practice Plan Inc

1316 W Ontario St
Philadelphia, PA
Temple Faculty Practice Plan Inc

Providers in Jefferson University Physicians

1.Babak Abai

111 S 11th St
Philadelphia Pa 19107-4824
Jefferson University Physicians
Vascular Surgery

2.Babak Abai

1300 Wolf St 1st Floor
Philadelphia Pa 19148-2912
Jefferson University Physicians
Vascular Surgery

3.Hadi Abou-rass

925 Chestnut St
Philadelphia Pa 19107-4216
Jefferson University Physicians
Internal Medicine

4.Hadi Abou-rass

111 S 11th St
Philadelphia Pa 19107-4824
Jefferson University Physicians
Internal Medicine

5.Hadi Abou-rass

834 Walnut St
Philadelphia Pa 19107-5109
Jefferson University Physicians
Internal Medicine

6.Jeffrey Abrams Md

1300 Wolf St 1st Floor
Philadelphia Pa 19148-2912
Jefferson University Physicians

View all 1,276 members of Jefferson University Physicians medical group