Penny Brooks has Nurse Practitioner as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 303 N Clyde Morris Blvd in Daytona Bch, Florida.
There is an additional office location, for a total of two, for Penny Brooks that can be viewed further down.
They're a part of the: Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc medical group which has around 272 members. You can call their office at 386-254-4000 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Sorry, her university is not listed and graduated in 2019 (around 5 years of experience). They are listed as doing telehealth appointments.
Penny Brooks
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona Bch, Florida 32114
Phone: 386-254-4000
Enter a starting address:
Medical School: Sorry, her university is not listed
Graduation Year: 2019
The Primary Medical Specialty for Penny Brooks is listed as: Nurse Practitioner
Approximate Years of Experience: 5
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 3971933599
NPI #: 1669016259
NPI Created On: 11/06/2019
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 09/30/2020
Primary Taxonomy Code: 363LF0000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female
Services and Procedures include:
Open Payments Data. This can include items to test (Durable Medical Equipment (DME)), Biological, Drug Samples, etc. This data must be reported to CMS.
Payments Total: $14
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Ownership Interest:
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 788537639
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Cardiovascular & Metabolism
Name of Drug #1: INVOKANA
Open Associated Drug #1: 50458-140-30
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #2: Cardiovascular & Metabolism
Name Of Drug #2:: XARELTO
Associated Drug #2: 50458-580-30
Payments Total: $15
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Ownership Interest:
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 788537641
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Neuroscience
Name of Drug #1: INVEGA SUSTENNA
Open Associated Drug #1: 50458-560-01
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #2: Neuroscience
Name Of Drug #2:: INVEGA TRINZA
Associated Drug #2: 50458-606-01
Drug or Biological #3:: Drug
Product Category #3: Neuroscience
Name of Drug: INVEGA
Name Of Drug #3: 50458-554-01
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #4: Neuroscience
Name of Drug #4: SPRAVATO
Associated Drug #4: 50458-028-02
Payments Total: $16
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428823
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: VRAYLAR
Open Associated Drug #1: 61874-115-31
Payments Total: $25
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428819
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: VRAYLAR
Open Associated Drug #1: 61874-115-31
Payments Total: $13
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428821
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: UBRELVY
Open Associated Drug #1: 0023-6501-10
Payments Total: $11
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428825
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: VRAYLAR
Open Associated Drug #1: 61874-115-31
Payments Total: $11
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428827
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: UBRELVY
Open Associated Drug #1: 0023-6501-10
Payments Total: $28
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428829
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: UBRELVY
Open Associated Drug #1: 0023-6501-10
Payments Total: $22
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428831
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: UBRELVY
Open Associated Drug #1: 0023-6501-10
Payments Total: $7
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 796428833
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: NEUROSCIENCE
Name of Drug #1: UBRELVY
Open Associated Drug #1: 0023-6501-10
1. Palm Harbor Family Practice And Walk-in Clinic, P.a
9 Pine Cone Dr
Palm Coast, FL 32137
Suite 102
Group Members: 13
Phone: 386-254-4000
Enter a starting address:
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona-bch, FL
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona-bch, FL
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona-bch, FL
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona-bch, FL
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona-bch, FL
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona-bch, FL
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona Bch Fl 32114-2709
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
1041 Dunlawon Ave
Port Orange Fl 32127-7968
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona Bch Fl 32114-2709
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
Critical Care (intensivists)
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona Bch Fl 32114-2709
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
Family Practice
303 N Clyde Morris Blvd
Daytona Bch Fl 32114-2709
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
Internal Medicine
3300 E Halifax Crossing Blvd
Deltona Fl 32725-2911
Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc
Internal Medicine
View all 272 members of Halifax Healthcare Systems Inc medical group