Barbara Szymanski has Clinical Social Worker as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 41700 Gardenbrook Rd in Novi, Michigan.
They're a part of the: Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c. medical group which has around 149 members. You can call their office at 800-693-1916 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Sorry, her university is not listed and graduated in 2011 (around 13 years of experience). They are listed as doing telehealth appointments.
Barbara Szymanski
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
41700 Gardenbrook Rd
Novi, Michigan 48375
Phone: 800-693-1916
Enter a starting address:
Medical School: Sorry, her university is not listed
Graduation Year: 2011
The Primary Medical Specialty for Barbara Szymanski is listed as: Clinical Social Worker
Approximate Years of Experience: 13
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 8729446422
NPI #: 1639402431
NPI Created On: 09/10/2009
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 06/07/2023
Primary Taxonomy Code: 390200000X
Listed Gender: Female
41100 Fox Run
Novi, MI
Erickson Health Medical Group Of Michigan, Pc
44725 Grand River Ave
Novi, MI
Downriver Mental Health Clinic Pc
41700 Gardenbrook Rd
Novi, MI
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
39500 W 10 Mile Rd
Novi, MI
Thrive Counseling Llc
43155 Main St
Novi, MI
24230 Karim Blvd
Novi, MI
Cns Healthcare
2127 University Park Dr
Okemos Mi 48864-5928
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
Clinical Social Worker
1560 Wall St
Naperville Il 60563-1146
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
Clinical Social Worker
89 W S Blvd
Troy Mi 48085-1612
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
Clinical Social Worker
6548 Town Ctr Dr
Clarkston Mi 48346-4823
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
Clinical Social Worker
8245 Holly Rd
Grand Blanc Mi 48439-2483
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
Clinical Social Worker
89 W S Blvd
Troy Mi 48085-1612
Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c.
Clinical Social Worker
View all 149 members of Richard Kneip, Ph.d., P.c. medical group