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James Doone MD in Kenton, Ohio

Home Ohio Kenton

James Doone MD has Family Practice as his primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 1211 E Columbus St in Kenton, Ohio. There are 2 additional office locations for James Doone MD that can be viewed towards the end of their profile.

They're a part of the: Lima Memorial Professional Corporation medical group which has around 136 members. You can call their office at 419-675-0668 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Wright State University Boonshoft School Of Medicine and graduated in 1991 (around 33 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.

James Doone MD Office Phone and Directions

James Doone MD
Lima Memorial Professional Corporation
1211 E Columbus St
Kenton, Ohio 43326

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Phone: 419-675-0668

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Healthcare Info for James Doone MD

Medical School: Wright State University Boonshoft School Of Medicine
Graduation Year: 1991
The Primary Medical Specialty for James Doone MD is listed as: Family Practice
Credentials: MD
Additional Credentials:
Approximate Years of Experience: 33
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 3971534918
NPI #: 1346293701
NPI Created On: 05/18/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 01/04/2021
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207Q00000X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Male

Insurance, Services, Charges

Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:

  • Ambetter
  • Paramount Insurance Company
  • Humana
  • Medicare

They are listed as accepting new patients.

Languages spoken by staff include: English.

Services and Procedures include:

  1. Automated urinalysis test
  2. Urine microalbumin (protein) level
  3. Hemoglobin a1c level
  4. Vaccine for influenza for injection into muscle
  5. Established patient office or other outpatient visit, typically 15 minutes
  6. Established patient office or other outpatient, visit typically 25 minutes
  7. Initial nursing facility visit, typically 45 minutes per day
  8. Subsequent nursing facility visit, typically 15 minutes per day
  9. Subsequent nursing facility visit, typically 25 minutes per day
  10. Established patient assisted living visit, typically 25 minutes
  11. Administration of influenza virus vaccine
  12. Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a physician or other qualified health care professional who can report evaluation and management services, provided to an established patient, not originating from a related e/m servic

They took part in the Medicare Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS).

Open Payments Data. This can include items to test (Durable Medical Equipment (DME)), Biological, Drug Samples, etc. This data must be reported to CMS.

Payments Total: $37

Number of Payments:: 1

Form of Payment: In-kind items and services

Record ID:: 841820063

Being Disputed:: No

Product Related: Yes

Drug or Biological: Device

Product Category #1: Transcatheter Heart Valves

Name of Drug #1: Edwards SAPIEN 3 Ultra Transcatheter Heart Valve

Additional Office Locations

1. Lima Memorial Professional Corporation
1001 Bellefontaine Ave
Lima, OH 45804
Group Members: 136

Phone: 419-675-0668

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2. Lima Memorial Professional Corporation
1001 Bellefontaine Ave
Lima, OH 45804
Fl 7
Group Members: 136

Phone: 419-675-0668

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Family Practice Professionals in Kenton

75 Washington Blvd
Kenton, OH
Ohiohealth Corporation

75 Washington Blvd
Kenton, OH

60 Washington Blvd
Kenton, OH
Ohiohealth Corporation

75 Washington Blvd
Kenton, OH
Ohiohealth Corporation

Providers in Lima Memorial Professional Corporation

1.Fadi Abbass Md

1220 E Elm St
Lima Oh 45804-2803
Lima Memorial Professional Corporation

2.Fadi Abbass Md

1005 Bellefontaine Ave
Lima Oh 45804-2896
Lima Memorial Professional Corporation

3.Masroor Abro

1003 Bellefontaine Ave
Lima Oh 45804-1803
Lima Memorial Professional Corporation
Internal Medicine

4.Omar Abu-romeh

1005 Bellefontaine Ave
Lima Oh 45804-2882
Lima Memorial Professional Corporation

5.Akeem Adeniyi

240 W Northern Ave
Lima Oh 45801-2839
Lima Memorial Professional Corporation
Nurse Practitioner

6.Jaber Alanzi

1005 Bellefontaine Ave
Lima Oh 45804-2896
Lima Memorial Professional Corporation

View all 136 members of Lima Memorial Professional Corporation medical group