Angelique Wong has Hospice/palliative Care as her primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 5656 Kelley St in Houston, Texas.
There is an additional office location, for a total of two, for Angelique Wong that can be viewed further down.
They're a part of the: Ut Physicians medical group which has around 1,414 members. You can call their office at 713-566-5000 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Texas Tech University Health Science Center School Of Medicine and graduated in 2010 (around 14 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.
Angelique Wong
Ut Physicians
5656 Kelley St
Houston, Texas 77026
Phone: 713-566-5000
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Additional Medical Specialties Include:
Medical School: Texas Tech University Health Science Center School Of Medicine
Graduation Year: 2010
The Primary Medical Specialty for Angelique Wong is listed as: Hospice/palliative Care
Approximate Years of Experience: 14
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 3274752274
NPI #: 1245551332
NPI Created On: 06/12/2010
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 03/20/2015
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207RH0002X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Female
Services and Procedures include:
1. Ut Physicians
6411 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77030
Group Members: 1,414
Phone: 713-566-5000
Enter a starting address:
7575 San Felipe St
Houston, TX
Tmh Physician Associates Pllc
18500 Katy Fwy
Houston, TX
Tmh Physician Associates Pllc
6565 Fannin St Main
Houston, TX
Tmh Physician Associates Pllc
6565 Fannin St
Houston, TX
Tmh Physician Associates Pllc
7575 San Felipe St
Houston, TX
Tmh Physician Associates Pllc
6550 Fannin St
Houston, TX
Tmh Physician Associates Pllc
6400 Fannin St
Houston Tx 77030-1537
Ut Physicians
Advanced Heart Failure And Transplant Cardiology
5656 Kelley St
Houston Tx 77026-1967
Ut Physicians
Diagnostic Radiology
5656 Kelley St
Houston Tx 77026-1967
Ut Physicians
Diagnostic Radiology
6411 Fannin St
Houston Tx 77030-1501
Ut Physicians
Diagnostic Radiology
6431 Fannin St
Houston Tx 77030-1501
Ut Physicians
Diagnostic Radiology
6410 Fannin St
Houston Tx 77030-3000
Ut Physicians
Diagnostic Radiology
View all 1,414 members of Ut Physicians medical group