David Passerini MD has Diagnostic Radiology as his primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 111 S Grant Ave in Columbus, Ohio.
There is an additional office location, for a total of two, for David Passerini MD that can be viewed further down.
They're a part of the: Columbus Radiology Corp medical group which has around 282 members. You can call their office at 614-228-7231 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Ohio State University College Of Medicine and graduated in 2000 (around 24 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.
David Passerini MD
Columbus Radiology Corp
111 S Grant Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Phone: 614-228-7231
Enter a starting address:
Medical School: Ohio State University College Of Medicine
Graduation Year: 2000
The Primary Medical Specialty for David Passerini MD is listed as: Diagnostic Radiology
Credentials: MD
Additional Credentials:
Approximate Years of Experience: 24
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 3577574953
NPI #: 1235180746
NPI Created On: 05/12/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 06/24/2016
Primary Taxonomy Code: 2085R0202X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Male
Forms of insurance accepted by include, but are not limited to:
They are listed as accepting new patients.
Languages spoken by staff include: English.
Services and Procedures include:
1. Columbus Radiology Corp
200 Saint Clair Ave
Saint Marys, OH 45885
Group Members: 282
Phone: 614-228-7231
Enter a starting address:
5965 E Broad St
Columbus, OH
Radiology Inc
4885 Olentangy River Rd
Columbus, OH
Radiology Inc
4030 W Henderson Rd
Columbus, OH
Radiology Inc
5969 E Broad St
Columbus, OH
Radiology Inc
395 W 12th Ave
Columbus, OH
Osu Radiology Llc
1087 Dennison Ave
Columbus, OH
Riverside Radiology And Interventional Associates Inc
18 Kingsbury Ct
Oak Brook Il 60523-1721
Columbus Radiology Corp
Diagnostic Radiology
801 S Hope St
Los Angeles Ca 90017-4695
Columbus Radiology Corp
Diagnostic Radiology
7500 State Rd
Cincinnati Oh 45255-2439
Columbus Radiology Corp
Interventional Radiology
100 Medical Ctr Dr
Springfield Oh 45504-2687
Columbus Radiology Corp
Diagnostic Radiology
58 Brentwood Ave
Newton Ma 02459-1747
Columbus Radiology Corp
Diagnostic Radiology
7909 Yellow Jasmine Ln
Knoxville Tn 37919-4458
Columbus Radiology Corp
Diagnostic Radiology
View all 282 members of Columbus Radiology Corp medical group