Ethan Levine MD has Cardiac Electrophysiology as his primary medical specialty. Their primary office is: 4150 5th St in Rapid City, South Dakota.
There are 2 additional office locations for Ethan Levine MD that can be viewed towards the end of their profile.
They're a part of the: Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc. medical group which has around 419 members. You can call their office at 605-755-4300 to schedule an appointment. They also accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. They attended Lake Erie College Of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie and graduated in 1998 (around 26 years of experience). They are not listed as doing telehealth appointments, but this may have changed. It can't hurt to call and check. If anything it may encourage them to make them available if they are not currently.
Ethan Levine MD
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
4150 5th St
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701
Phone: 605-755-4300
Enter a starting address:
Medical School: Lake Erie College Of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie
Graduation Year: 1998
The Primary Medical Specialty for Ethan Levine MD is listed as: Cardiac Electrophysiology
Credentials: MD
Additional Credentials:
Approximate Years of Experience: 26
PAC (PECOS ID)#: 9537267273
NPI #: 1144238577
NPI Created On: 08/03/2006
NPI Last Updated Listed as: 06/13/2016
Primary Taxonomy Code: 207RC0001X
License Number:
Listed Gender: Male
Services and Procedures include:
Open Payments Data. This can include items to test (Durable Medical Equipment (DME)), Biological, Drug Samples, etc. This data must be reported to CMS.
Payments Total: $66
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 787351439
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Device
Product Category #1: Cardiology
Name of Drug #1: Carto 3
Payments Total: $22
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 787919163
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Cardiovascular & Metabolism
Name of Drug #1: XARELTO
Open Associated Drug #1: 50458-580-30
Payments Total: $14
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 787919165
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Cardiovascular & Metabolism
Name of Drug #1: XARELTO
Open Associated Drug #1: 50458-580-30
Payments Total: $25
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 787919167
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: Cardiovascular & Metabolism
Name of Drug #1: XARELTO
Open Associated Drug #1: 50458-580-30
Payments Total: $91
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 827257213
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Device
Product Category #1: Pacemakers
Name of Drug #1: Micra
Payments Total: $79
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 827257215
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Device
Product Category #1: Pacemakers
Name of Drug #1: Micra
Payments Total: $9
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Record ID:: 834437153
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Device
Product Category #1: Antibacterial Mesh
Name of Drug #1: TYRX
Payments Total: $13
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 813024873
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: CARDIOVASCULAR
Name of Drug #1: ENTRESTO
Open Associated Drug #1: 0078-0659-20
Payments Total: $13
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 813024877
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: CARDIOVASCULAR
Name of Drug #1: ENTRESTO
Open Associated Drug #1: 0078-0659-20
Payments Total: $15
Number of Payments:: 1
Form of Payment: In-kind items and services
Third party is a Charity:: No
Record ID:: 813024881
Being Disputed:: No
Product Related: Yes
Drug or Biological: Drug
Product Category #1: CARDIOVASCULAR
Name of Drug #1: ENTRESTO
Open Associated Drug #1: 0078-0659-20
1. Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
2101 Box Butte Ave
Alliance, NE 69301
Group Members: 419
Phone: 605-755-4300
Enter a starting address:
2. Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
713 Oak St
Sundance, WY 82729
Group Members: 419
Phone: 605-755-4300
Enter a starting address:
4150 5th St
Rapid-city, SD
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
353 Fairmont Blvd
Rapid City Sd 57701-7375
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
Physician Assistant
1635 Caregiver Cir
Rapid City Sd 57702-8529
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
Physician Assistant
353 Fairmont Blvd
Rapid City Sd 57701-7375
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)
2805 5th St
Rapid City Sd 57701-6003
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
Physician Assistant
353 Fairmont Blvd
Rapid City Sd 57701-7375
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
Physician Assistant
502 E Monroe St
Rapid City Sd 57701-1400
Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc.
Family Practice
View all 419 members of Monument Health Rapid City Hospital, Inc. medical group