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CENTRAL INDIANA ORTHOPEDICS LLC which has, as of our last update, 134 members. This page should link to all members of the group. Each profile contains ratings as well as phone numbers and all locations (if they work out of more than one locations).
Specialties they offer in the group include: Anesthesiology, Family Practice, Hand Surgery, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Interventional Pain Management, Neurosurgery, Nurse Practitioner, Occupational Therapy, Orthopedic Surgery, Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery, Podiatry, Sports Medicine

CENTRAL INDIANA ORTHOPEDICS LLC has offices in the following cities: Anderson, Bloomington, Elkhart, Fishers, Indianapolis, La Porte, Mishawaka, Muncie, South Bend

Providers in the same medical group

1.Charles Austgen

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

2.Mary Bacsik

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

3.Brian Badman Md

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

4.Aaron Baessler

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

5.Tess Bain

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

6.Christopher Balint

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

7.Karli Bechdolt

14300 E
Fishers Indiana 46037-0051
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

8.Heidi Bell

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

9.Thomas Bemenderfer

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

10.Sheri Bennett

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

11.Michael Berend

6920 Gatwick Dr
Indianapolis Indiana 46241-9619
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

12.Jeffrey Biever

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

13.Chase Bly

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

14.Dana Brackett Np

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

15.Linda Byrd Pt

5230 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9059
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

16.Brian Camilleri

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

17.Kile Carter

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Family Practice

18.Joshua Carter

541 S Landmark Ave
Bloomington Indiana 47403-3239
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

19.Jonathan Chae

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

20.Li Chen Md

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Hand Surgery

21.Adam Cien

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

22.Ryan Cieply

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

23.Nicholas Cook

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Hand Surgery

24.Julie Cummins Pt

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

25.Brent Damer

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

26.Joseph Day

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

27.Daniel Desalle

6920 Gatwick Dr
Indianapolis Indiana 46241-9619
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

28.Anna Diedrich

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy

29.Matthew Dinnon

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

30.Joseph Duncan Md

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

31.Jonathan Eash

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

32.Laurel Fauquher Pa

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

33.Randolph Ferlic Md

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Hand Surgery

34.Bailey Fisette

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

35.James Flynn

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

36.Jacob Fraker Pa

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

37.Sam Fuller

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Hand Surgery

38.Jennie Gibson

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

39.Brittany Glines

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

40.Meghan Goltowski

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

41.David Graybill

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

42.Tonya Green

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

43.Benjamin Haberly

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

44.William Hall Md

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Interventional Pain Management

45.Kenneth Haller

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Family Practice

46.Larry Hawkins

14300 E
Fishers Indiana 46037-0051
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy

47.Dan Hecimovich

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

48.Steven Herbst

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

49.Jennifer Hite

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

50.Timothy Hunt

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

51.Jeremy Hunt Md

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Family Practice

52.Ryan Jaggers

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

53.Tricia James

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

54.Maciej Jaskiewicz

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

55.Joseph Jerman

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

56.Ma Cristina Jimenez

14300 E
Fishers Indiana 46037-0051
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

57.Jared Jones

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Internal Medicine

58.Patrick Kay

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

59.John Kemp

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

60.Henry Kim

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

61.Michael King

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

62.Kurt Kramer

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

63.Wesley Lackey

6920 Gatwick Dr
Indianapolis Indiana 46241-9619
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

64.Steven Lansing

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

65.Warren Lawless

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Family Practice

66.Curtis Laws

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

67.Dylan Lax

14300 E
Fishers Indiana 46037-0051
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

68.Debra Leazenby

5230 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9059
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy

69.Jenna Lemon

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy

70.Robert Lillo

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation

71.Michael Lisch Md

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

72.Janann Lishawa

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

73.Louie Liwanag

14300 E
Fishers Indiana 46037-0051
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

74.Nicholas Long

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

75.Andrew Losiniecki

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

76.Adam Lyon

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

77.Megan Mace

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

78.Erica Mandsager

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

79.Jon Markley

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation

80.John Martin

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

81.Christina Mcclain

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

82.Adam Mccormick

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

83.Tyler Mcgregor

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

84.Scott Mclaughlin

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

85.Adelbert Mencias Md

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Hand Surgery

86.Alisha Miller

14300 E
Fishers Indiana 46037-0051
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

87.Lindsey Muller

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

88.George Myers

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

89.Lorena Newkirk

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

90.Jenna Nowlin

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

91.Jeffery Oney

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

92.Kathleen Parker

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy

93.Brandon Parsons

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

94.Colin Penrose

6920 Gatwick Dr
Indianapolis Indiana 46241-9619
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

95.Joshua Perkins

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

96.Molly Pestow

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

97.Nicholas Pipito

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

98.Jessica Preissing

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

99.Maureen Purcell

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

100.Brian Ratigan

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

101.Deepak Reddy

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

102.Christopher Ritchey

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

103.Ryan Rossos

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

104.Christopher Roundtree

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

105.Thomas Salsbury

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

106.Michael Sanderson

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

107.Karen Schneider-wensell

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

108.James Sieradzki

5218 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9132
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

109.Brittani Sizelove

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

110.Dwayne Smith

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

111.Paul Smucker Md

900 I St
La Porte Indiana 46350-5533
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation

112.Damon Stansberry

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

113.Elle Steele

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

114.Matthew Stinson Pa

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

115.Julie Sunday

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

116.Nirmal Surtani

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

117.Reagan Tapley

5230 Beck Dr
Elkhart Indiana 46516-9059
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

118.Francesca Tekula

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

119.Haley Ukiri

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Nurse Practitioner

120.William Warrender

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

121.Jennifer Waterman

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

122.Scott Waterman

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

123.Erich Weidenbener

6920 Gatwick Dr
Indianapolis Indiana 46241-9619
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Sports Medicine

124.Samantha Weidner

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

125.Christina Weir

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

126.Julie Whitaker Pa

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

127.Theresa Wiegand-swihart

3600 W Bethel Ave
Muncie Indiana 47304-5407
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy

128.Stanton Wilhite

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc

129.Joseph Williamson

2610 Enterprise Dr
Anderson Indiana 46013-9684
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physician Assistant

130.Danielle Wills

14300 E
Fishers Indiana 46037-0051
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy

131.Lisa Wolff

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Physical Therapy

132.Michael Yergler

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Sports Medicine

133.Jeffrey Yergler Md

60160 Bodnar Blvd
Mishawaka Indiana 46544-9338
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

134.Christine Zmyslo

53880 Carmichael Dr
South Bend Indiana 46635-1567
Central Indiana Orthopedics Llc
Occupational Therapy