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EFFINGHAM REHAB SERVICES, LLC which has, as of our last update, 55 members. This page should link to all members of the group. Each profile contains ratings as well as phone numbers and all locations (if they work out of more than one locations).
Specialties they offer in the group include: Anesthesiology, Chiropractic, Critical Care (intensivists), Family Practice, Geriatric Medicine, Internal Medicine, Interventional Pain Management, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nurse Practitioner, Orthopedic Surgery, Pain Management, Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Podiatry, Sports Medicine

EFFINGHAM REHAB SERVICES, LLC has offices in the following cities: Brunswick, Jesup, Kingsland, Pooler, Savannah

Providers in the same medical group

1.Justin Alfonso

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

2.Kevin Ammar

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

3.Suzanne Anderson Md

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Internal Medicine

4.Britney Annunziato

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Nurse Practitioner

5.Firas Bannout Md

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Internal Medicine

6.Joseph Boaen Iv

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

7.Christopher Bovinet

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Interventional Pain Management

8.Tatiana Brown

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

9.Ali Chahlavi Md

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

10.Frank Clements Pa

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

11.Loy Cowart Md

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

12.Michael Cox

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

13.John Crawford Jr. Dc

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

14.Steven Crenshaw Md

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

15.Guensley Delva

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Pain Management

16.Renee Doll

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Pain Management

17.Brett Frykberg

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

18.Stephanie Green

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Nurse Practitioner

19.William Grubb Md

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

20.Shannon Gulle Pa

22 W Oglethorpe Ave
Savannah Georgia 31401-3702
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

21.Joseph Hegarty Md

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation

22.Charles Hope Md

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

23.Louis Horn Iv Md

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

24.Benjamin Ivey

172 Tower Rd
Jesup Georgia 31545-0723
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physical Therapy

25.Constance Katsafanas

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

26.Devin Kelly

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

27.Ashley Langford

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physical Therapy

28.Gretta Langley

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Nurse Practitioner

29.James Lindley

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

30.Patrick Lingo

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

31.Christopher Menster

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

32.Knar Mesrobian

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

33.Paulo Monteiro Md

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

34.Andrew Mrugala

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Geriatric Medicine

35.Nicole Oakley

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

36.Ismael Osta Pa

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

37.Vivian Paskowski

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Nurse Practitioner

38.Mijal Patel

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Internal Medicine

39.Kishan Patel

172 Tower Rd
Jesup Georgia 31545-0723
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physical Therapy

40.Thomas Ray

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

41.Christopher Scuderi

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

42.Leslie Sizemore

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

43.Russell Sliker Md

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

44.Wesley Stroud

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

45.Lindsey Sweat

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

46.Kristen Thomas

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Physician Assistant

47.Willard Thompson Jr. Md

22 W Oglethorpe Ave
Savannah Georgia 31401-3702
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

48.Joseph Tobin

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

49.Jonas Vanags

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc

50.Sinnathurai Vasanthakumar

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Internal Medicine

51.Robert Weeks

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Family Practice

52.Spencer Wheeler

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

53.Michelle Wilson Do

123 Canal St
Pooler Georgia 31322-4104
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Internal Medicine

54.James Wilson

123 Village At Gynn Place
Brunswick Georgia 31525
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery

55.Michael Yonz

1390 Boone Ave Ext
Kingsland Georgia 31548-6515
Effingham Rehab Services, Llc
Orthopedic Surgery