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SOUND INPATIENT PHYSICIANS-MICHIGAN PLLC which has, as of our last update, 227 members. This page should link to all members of the group. Each profile contains ratings as well as phone numbers and all locations (if they work out of more than one locations).
Specialties they offer in the group include: Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (cns), Emergency Medicine, Family Practice, Geriatric Medicine, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Medicine, Physician Assistant

SOUND INPATIENT PHYSICIANS-MICHIGAN PLLC has offices in the following cities: Adrian, Alpena, Cadillac, Charlevoix, Dowagiac, Escanaba, Grand Blanc, Grayling, Iron Mountain, Kalamazoo, Ludington, Manistee, Marquette, Northport, Plainwell, Port Huron, Saginaw, Tawas City, Traverse City

Providers in the same medical group

1.Youssef Abbiss

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

2.Ameed Abdulrazzak

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

3.Osama Abid

1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron Michigan 48060-3511
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

4.Ahmed Abubakr

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

5.Rizwan Ahamed

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

6.Troy Ahlstrom Md

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

7.Raad Al Shaikhli

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

8.Mohammad Al-mahdawi

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

9.Maath Alani

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

10.Ali Alateya

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

11.Ronda Albrecht

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

12.Abdul Aleem

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

13.Hazem Alhourani

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

14.Munsif Ali

1465 E Parkdale Ave
Manistee Michigan 49660-9709
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

15.Farman Ali

411 Naomi St
Plainwell Michigan 49080-1222
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

16.Wassim Ali

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

17.Sean Arora

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

18.Jamie Aune

1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron Michigan 48060-3511
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

19.Hamza Aurakzai

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

20.Lehel Batizy Md

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

21.Kareem Bazzi

818 Riverside Ave
Adrian Michigan 49221-1446
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

22.Serge Bebko

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

23.Amy Beeman Do

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Geriatric Medicine

24.Kathleen Behler

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

25.Lisa Bentley

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

26.Anjali Bhateja

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

27.Lori Bishop

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

28.Fadi Bleibel

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

29.Hani Bleibel

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

30.Kelly Brash

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

31.Natalie Brown Md

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

32.Chaitanya Brundavanam

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

33.Jacques Brett Burgess

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

34.Amanda Campbell

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

35.Robert Carroll Md

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

36.James Casey

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

37.Saad Chaudhry

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

38.Douglas Coffin Pa

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

39.Thomas Cook

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

40.Jeffrey Costain

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

41.Haim Bernardo Cotlear Stuart

1100 E Michigan Ave
Grayling Michigan 49738-1334
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

42.Kelly Covell

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

43.Kurt Crosby Pa

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

44.Sarah Crowley

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

45.Paul Cunningham

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

46.Catherine Czesnowski

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

47.Ora Darling

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

48.James Decker Md

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

49.Donna Defilippo Do

1100 E Michigan Ave
Grayling Michigan 49738-1334
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

50.Vincent Dematio

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

51.Mary Dennis

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

52.Casey Deshambo

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

53.Erica Dicicco

1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron Michigan 48060-3511
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

54.Oliver Dimitrijevic

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

55.Phillip Dooley Jr.

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

56.Traci Dubuque

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

57.Jouliana Eager

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

58.Madonna Fabian

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

59.Amy Field Md

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

60.Susan Friar Pa

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

61.Kenneth Friar Md

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

62.David Friar Md

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

63.Stephanie Garrett

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

64.Christopher Gerling Md

1100 E Michigan Ave
Grayling Michigan 49738-1334
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

65.Brian Gilbert

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

66.Murphy Gillespie

14700 Lake Shore Dr
Charlevoix Michigan 49720-1931
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

67.Julia Ginzburg

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

68.Branko Grinfeld Md

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

69.Myuren Gunaratnam

1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron Michigan 48060-3511
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

70.Bobbi Gusler

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

71.Ashraf Hamza

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

72.Eric Hansen

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

73.Kenya Hanspard Md

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

74.Ali Hassan

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

75.Alicia Hill

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

76.Charles Holt Pa

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

77.Stephanie Horanic

3825 Scenic Rdg
Traverse City Michigan 49684-3900
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

78.Jonathan Housman

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

79.Mindy Howard

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

80.Tasha Hudson

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (cns)

81.Sarah Hughes

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

82.Ljubomir Ilic Md

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

83.Kelly Jamison

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

84.Codi Jenshak-gorzinski

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

85.Lacey Kane

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

86.Emily Kane

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

87.Nichole Kelenske

215 S High St
Northport Michigan 49670-9807
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

88.William Kern

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

89.Stephanie Kertes

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

90.Michael Keyes

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

91.Wael Khouli Md

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

92.Joel Knaack

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

93.Kelsey Knaack

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

94.Jason Knoke

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

95.Mhd Nawras Kordi

800 S Washington Ave
Saginaw Michigan 48601-2551
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

96.Melissa Kurek

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

97.Shahniwaz Labana

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

98.Ronald Ladouce

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

99.Jami Lahey

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

100.Benjamin Lamphere

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

101.Megan Land

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

102.Mark Langlois

3825 Scenic Rdg
Traverse City Michigan 49684-3900
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

103.Elizabeth Lauber Md

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

104.Stephanie Lauria

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

105.Andrij Lawrin

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

106.Bobby Lee Md

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

107.James Lee

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

108.Dawn Lemerand

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

109.Changxin Li

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

110.Karrin Licht

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

111.Thomas Ling Md

14700 Lake Shore Dr
Charlevoix Michigan 49720-1931
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

112.Brian Lishawa

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

113.Afrah Samreen Lnu

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

114.Sheva Loncle

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

115.Daisy-scarlett Maccallum

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

116.John Macnowski Iii

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

117.Venkata Madeti

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

118.Aiman Mahmood

1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron Michigan 48060-3511
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

119.Niladri Mal

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

120.Hamza Mancy

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

121.Sivateja Mandava

1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron Michigan 48060-3511
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

122.Nitya Manney

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

123.Erik Manninen

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

124.Stephen Manuszak

1465 E Parkdale Ave
Manistee Michigan 49660-9709
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

125.Keith Marcus

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

126.Faiza Masoud

800 S Washington Ave
Saginaw Michigan 48601-2551
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

127.Matthew Mazur

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

128.James Mclachlan Md

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

129.Najab Mirza

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

130.Vbr Datta Amara Sai Mitnala

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

131.Mohamed Mohamed

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

132.Yaqub Nadeem Mohammed

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

133.Mizbauddin Mohiuddin

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

134.Jacqueline Moore

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

135.Victoria Moreland

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

136.Jason Moyns

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

137.Irena Muca

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

138.Ahmad Murad

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

139.Birgitte Murphy

420 W Hight St
Dowagiac Michigan 49047-8407
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

140.Swetha Musty

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

141.John Nelson

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

142.Aditya Neravetla

1100 E Michigan Ave
Grayling Michigan 49738-1334
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

143.Zeeshan Noor

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

144.Patrick O'hagan

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

145.Maduabuchi Okoro

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

146.Gene Olsen Np

1 Atkinson Dr
Ludington Michigan 49431-1906
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

147.Kristi Olson Md

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

148.Jean-lucien Omekanda

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

149.Justin Panzica

1465 E Parkdale Ave
Manistee Michigan 49660-9709
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

150.Nicholas Paron Md

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

151.Jay Patel

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

152.Alexander Perry

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

153.Anne Petersen

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

154.Emanuel Pires

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

155.Rocky Pittman

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

156.Paul Pulice

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

157.Syed Qadri

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

158.Jiries Qaqish

800 S Washington Ave
Saginaw Michigan 48601-2551
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

159.Danial Rashid

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

160.Penny Rathburn Do

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

161.Christopher Renkiewicz

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

162.Heather Richey

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

163.Alvin Robertson

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Geriatric Medicine

164.Justin Rodebaugh

1100 E Michigan Ave
Grayling Michigan 49738-1334
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

165.Rockelle Rogers Md

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

166.Jennifer Rosso

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

167.Sara Roth Do

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

168.Nathan Rousse Np

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

169.Donald Rozzell

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

170.Sue Sacdalan

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

171.Haniya Saeed

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

172.Bartholomew Sak Md

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

173.Michael Salata Md

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

174.Amandeep Sawana

1221 Pine Grove Ave
Port Huron Michigan 48060-3511
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

175.Jeanne Schall Md

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

176.Steven Schmidt

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

177.Beth Schroeder Md

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

178.Sarah Seaver Do

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

179.Martin Seta

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

180.Saumeet Shah

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

181.Abdul Shaikh Md

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

182.Hassan Sheikho Md

1465 E Parkdale Ave
Manistee Michigan 49660-9709
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

183.Sarah Shepler

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

184.Stephen Sheridan Md

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

185.Andrew Short

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

186.Mohammed Siddiqui

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

187.Mandeep Sidhu Md

411 Naomi St
Plainwell Michigan 49080-1222
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

188.Robert Sigworth Md

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

189.Oleg Sinyavskiy

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

190.Douglas Slater Md

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

191.Wayne Smith Md

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

192.Rachel Soles

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

193.Nan Spawr Seaton

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

194.Douglas Spence Jr. Md

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

195.Mailvaganam Sridharan Md

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

196.Shauna Stark

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

197.Christopher Steele

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

198.Nadezda Stelmaschuk

1100 E Michigan Ave
Grayling Michigan 49738-1334
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

199.David Straight Md

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

200.Frederic Such Md

580 W College Ave
Marquette Michigan 49855-2736
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

201.Naeem Tahir

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

202.Prabhash Tatineni Md

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

203.Horia Tatu

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

204.Syed Tayyab

5640 N Adrian Hwy
Adrian Michigan 49221-8318
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

205.Kristopher Terry

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

206.Veronica Torres

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

207.Rebecca Ulep

1465 E Parkdale Ave
Manistee Michigan 49660-9709
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

208.Augusta Uwaje

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

209.Jeffrey Valice

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

210.Rebecca Veele

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

211.Anthony Vida

1100 E Michigan Ave
Grayling Michigan 49738-1334
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

212.Emad Wahashi

1521 Gull Rd
Kalamazoo Michigan 49048-1640
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

213.Lawrence Warbasse Iii Md

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

214.Heather Webb

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

215.Cody Wenzel

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

216.Carolyn Whatley Md

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

217.Kayleigh White

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

218.Anna Wiersma

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

219.Catherine Wonski

14700 Lake Shore Dr
Charlevoix Michigan 49720-1931
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

220.Richard Woodbury Md

1721 S Stephenson Ave
Iron Mountain Michigan 49801-3637
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc

221.Laura Worthington Pa

400 Hobart St
Cadillac Michigan 49601-2331
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Physician Assistant

222.Vincent Worthington Np

3401 Ludington St
Escanaba Michigan 49829-1300
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Nurse Practitioner

223.Thomas Yax

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Family Practice

224.Varun Yelamanchili

1 Genesys Pkwy
Grand Blanc Michigan 48439-8065
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

225.Hal Yost

1105 6th St
Traverse City Michigan 49684-2345
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

226.Joseph Zebelian

1501 W Chisholm St
Alpena Michigan 49707-1401
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine

227.James Zeratsky

200 Hemlock St
Tawas City Michigan 48763-9237
Sound Inpatient Physicians-michigan Pllc
Internal Medicine