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JOHN MUIR TRAUMA PHYSICIANS BILLING SERVICE which has, as of our last update, 131 members. This page should link to all members of the group. Each profile contains ratings as well as phone numbers and all locations (if they work out of more than one locations).
Specialties they offer in the group include: Anesthesiology, Colorectal Surgery (proctology), Critical Care (intensivists), Diagnostic Radiology, Family Practice, General Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Interventional Radiology, Maxillofacial Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nuclear Medicine, Ophthalmology, Oral Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Pediatric Medicine, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Physician Assistant, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery, Psychiatry, Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery

JOHN MUIR TRAUMA PHYSICIANS BILLING SERVICE has offices in the following cities: Walnut Creek

Providers in the same medical group

1.Hazel Mae Abraham

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

2.Jorge Aguilar

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

3.Viviane Alfandary Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

4.Sarvenaz Alibeigi

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

5.Nail Amro Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

6.Nason Azizi

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

7.Christian Balzer

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

8.Rudra Barua

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

9.Himanshu Bhuria Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

10.Alexei Birger

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

11.Courtnay Bloomer

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

12.Kimberly Blumberg Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

13.Sukhjinder Brah Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

14.Joseph Brandel

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
General Surgery

15.Sara Bughio

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

16.Leo Calafi Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Orthopedic Surgery

17.Gurveen Chahal

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

18.Sushmi Chakraborty

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

19.Ronald Chan Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

20.Smita Chandra Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

21.Crystal Chang

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

22.Huijia Chen

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

23.Terence Chen

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

24.Hui Chen

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

25.Eric Chen

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

26.Andreux Chernne Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

27.Melvina Cheung

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

28.Christopher Coufal Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Orthopedic Surgery

29.George Counelis Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

30.Alexis Crawley

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

31.Michael Deboisblanc Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
General Surgery

32.Rafael Diaz Flores

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
General Surgery

33.Ashwin Doss

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

34.Louisa Dresser

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

35.Susanne Duesberg Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Family Practice

36.Samir Dzankic Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

37.Vasili Dzerhachou

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

38.Seth Eberlin

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery

39.Ehsan Ejaz

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Physician Assistant

40.Michael Esparza

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
General Surgery

41.Mohammad Fakhri

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

42.Rami Fasheh

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Family Practice

43.Ira Finch Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

44.Eric Fulkerson

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Orthopedic Surgery

45.Shannon Gaffney

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

46.Neetu Gakhar

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

47.Sunil Gandhi Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

48.Sanaz Ghaderi Niri

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

49.Joshua Gitter Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

50.Patrick Gonzales

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

51.Ryan Green

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

52.Joseph Henry

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

53.Lavinia Herbei Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

54.Viet Ho Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

55.Gerard Hoatam

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

56.William Hoddick Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

57.David Howard Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

58.Uyen-chi Huynh

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

59.Betsy Jacobs Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

60.Mehrbod Javadi

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

61.Michael Kats

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

62.Randi Kestler

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

63.Daniel Kim

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

64.Tiffany King

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

65.William Knapp

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

66.Sricharitha Krishnamoorthy

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Family Practice

67.Annie Lai Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

68.Amy Lai

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

69.Wilson Lee

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

70.Wayne Lee

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

71.Renu Liu

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

72.Stacy Ly

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

73.Sean Martin

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
General Surgery

74.Brandon Mccutcheon

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

75.Brian Mcguinness

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Colorectal Surgery (proctology)

76.Joshua Meezan Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

77.Maxwell Merkow

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

78.Michael Michlitsch

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Orthopedic Surgery

79.Neeta Milasincic Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

80.Melissa Millar

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

81.Khashayar Montazeri Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

82.Murali Moorthy Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Orthopedic Surgery

83.Scott Morehouse Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

84.Joseph Morgan Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

85.Christopher Mutch

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

86.Brian O Connor

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

87.Vishal Panchal

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

88.Angel Parker

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Family Practice

89.Mandakini Patel

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

90.Saurabh Patel Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

91.Puskar Pattanayak

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

92.Wendy Patton Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

93.Jonathan Posin Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

94.Zsuzsanna Rad

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

95.Siva Raman

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

96.Samira Rathnayake

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

97.Ahamed Raza Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

98.David Rossow

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

99.Carl Runyon

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Maxillofacial Surgery

100.Patrick Ryan

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

101.Kristine Santiano

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

102.Thearith Seng

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Family Practice

103.Zahid Shaikh

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

104.Viktoriya Sharp

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

105.Zahra Shirmohammadi Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

106.Richard Sigel Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

107.Veronika Simanek Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

108.Sukhbir Singh

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

109.Gurinder Singh

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Internal Medicine

110.Evan Sirc

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Nuclear Medicine

111.Kirk So Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

112.Priyanka Soin

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

113.Oana Spataru

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

114.Isabelle Struve

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
General Surgery

115.Courtney Takahashi

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

116.Grace Talento

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Family Practice

117.Jessica Tan

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

118.Jeffrey Thomas Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

119.Christopher Tran

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

120.David Tso

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

121.Mark Tu Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

122.Aalok Turakhia

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

123.Vijay Viswanathan

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

124.Sandeep Walia

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

125.Andre Westin

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

126.Phillip Wong Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

127.David Woo

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

128.Moussa Yazbeck Md

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Critical Care (intensivists)

129.Benjamin Yim

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service

130.Robinson Yu

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
Diagnostic Radiology

131.John Zink

1601 Ygnacio Vly Rd
Walnut Creek California 94596-0921
John Muir Trauma Physicians Billing Service
General Surgery