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SBH PHYSICIANS PC Medical Group Members

SBH PHYSICIANS PC which has, as of our last update, 163 members. This page should link to all members of the group. Each profile contains ratings as well as phone numbers and all locations (if they work out of more than one locations).
Specialties they offer in the group include: Allergy/immunology, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology), Clinical Psychologist, Colorectal Surgery (proctology), Critical Care (intensivists), Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Family Practice, Gastroenterology, General Practice, General Surgery, Hand Surgery, Hematology/oncology, Hospice/palliative Care, Hospitalist, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nurse Practitioner, Ophthalmology, Optometry, Orthopedic Surgery, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Otolaryngology, Pathology, Pediatric Medicine, Physician Assistant, Psychiatry, Pulmonary Disease, Rheumatology, Sleep Medicine, Sports Medicine, Urology, Vascular Surgery

SBH PHYSICIANS PC has offices in the following cities: Bronx

Providers in the same medical group

1.Vitaly Adler

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

2.Abdurhan Ahmed Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

3.Sarbjot Ajit Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

4.Mehrdad Alaie

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

5.Mahmoud Ali

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

6.Jessica Arenella Cp

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Clinical Psychologist

7.Carlos Arias Morales

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

8.Blerim Arifi

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

9.Oluyemisi Ariyibi Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

10.Yevgenia Aronova Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

11.Mina Attaalla

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

12.Jamila Azeem

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

13.Rhode Badio

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

14.Salim Baghdadi

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

15.Erion Bardhi

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

16.Jitendra Barmecha Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

17.Jakub Bartnik

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

18.Nicholas Bavaro Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Orthopedic Surgery

19.Galina Bendich Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

20.Victoria Bengualid

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Infectious Disease

21.Judith Berger

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Infectious Disease

22.Justin Berkowitz

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

23.Paul Beyer Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

24.Anita Bhola

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Critical Care (intensivists)

25.Aaron Blady

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

26.Steven Blau Md

2016 Bronxdale Ave
Bronx New York 10462-3388
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

27.Sandra Boateng-wilson

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

28.Elizabeth Bollman

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

29.Leah Bralow

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

30.Alberto Brizuela Ducharne

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

31.Dennis Burke Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

32.Sulejman Celaj

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

33.Davinder Chandhoke Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

34.Ali Chaudhri

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

35.Riti Chhibba

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

36.Luis Chirinos Cordero

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

37.David Chong Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

38.Michael Chuang

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

39.Bruno Coelho Da Rocha Lazaro

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Orthopedic Surgery

40.Stephen Cohn Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

41.Jeffrey Crespin Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

42.Michelle Dahdouh

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Infectious Disease

43.William Danial

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

44.Marc Danziger Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

45.Dene Daugherty

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

46.Igor Davidson Cp

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Clinical Psychologist

47.Samantha Davy

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

48.Janice Desir

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

49.Cassandre Desirade

4507 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1515
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

50.Olivia Dexter

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

51.David Engelbrecht Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

52.Tamara Erlikh Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

53.Hugh Ettlinger

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

54.Jacqueline Figueroa

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

55.Alix Fleury

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

56.Bessy Suyin Flores Chang

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

57.Carmen Flores Flores

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

58.Yampu Freeman

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

59.Ilmana Fulger

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

60.Liliya Gandrabur

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

61.Monika Gashi

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

62.Lisa Glass

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Pulmonary Disease

63.Allen Gold

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

64.Christopher Grantham Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

65.Leacroft Green Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

66.Theresa Henson

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Pulmonary Disease

67.Michael Hidalgo

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

68.Md Rezaul Hoque

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

69.Jamil Ibrahim

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Critical Care (intensivists)

70.Mediha Ibrahim

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Pulmonary Disease

71.Sarah Jamison

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

72.Weijun Jin

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

73.Sasha-gaye Joachim

4507 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1515
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

74.Jeeny Job Do

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Infectious Disease

75.Erika Kaiser

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

76.Dmitriy Karev

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

77.David Ketner Jr.

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

78.Munaza Khan

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

79.Constance Kim

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

80.Mark Klion Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Orthopedic Surgery

81.Dvir Koenigstein

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

82.Christopher Koontz

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Hand Surgery

83.Stephen Kramer Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

84.Wojciech Kucharski Pa

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

85.Rocco Lafaro Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Cardiac Surgery

86.Christopher Langston

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

87.Daniel Laurie

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Pulmonary Disease

88.Harris Leitstein

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

89.Scott Leuchten

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

90.Nai Li

4507 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1515
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

91.Amy Liang

2016 Bronxdale Ave
Bronx New York 10462-3388
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

92.Katarzyna Liwski

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

93.Daphna Locker Cp

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Clinical Psychologist

94.Mari Gem Lorenzo

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

95.Guido Macchiavello

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

96.Bozena Malyszko

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Critical Care (intensivists)

97.Fanny Mantilla Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

98.Sharjeel Maqsood

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

99.Martin Mayers

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

100.Robert Menkel

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Critical Care (intensivists)

101.Seyed Hadi Mirhedayati Roudsari

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

102.Stephanie Moawad

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

103.Rebecca Moran

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

104.Daniel Murphy Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

105.Nissin Nahmias-capon

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

106.Nithan Narendra

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

107.Nathaniel Nataneli

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

108.Suresh Nayudu

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

109.Masooma Niazi

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

110.Nelly Obeng

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

111.Parind Oza

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

112.Michelle Packles

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

113.Julian Paniagua Morales

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

114.Jane Park

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

115.Bhawesh Patel

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

116.Ernest Patti Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

117.Maria Perdomo Trujillo

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

118.Bert Petersen Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

119.Michael Polcino

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Colorectal Surgery (proctology)

120.Lorrian Porter

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

121.Houssam Raai

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

122.Ralph Rahme

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

123.Eric Raisig

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

124.Alena Rakhman

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

125.Narasinga Rao Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

126.Steven Reichert Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Hospice/palliative Care

127.Fabian Rentas

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

128.Alejandro Revilla Montag

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

129.Peter Rhee

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

130.Jeremiah Robison

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

131.Natasha Rodriguez

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

132.Daniel Roman

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

133.Mattan Rozenek

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

134.Diana Rubel

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

135.Alen Sajan

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

136.Hernando Salazar Nossa

2016 Bronxdale Ave
Bronx New York 10462-3388
Sbh Physicians Pc
Infectious Disease

137.Jonathan Samuels

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Infectious Disease

138.Shlomit Sandler

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

139.Joshua Schwarzbaum

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Practice

140.Ridwan Shabsigh Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

141.Aziz Shafqat

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

142.Cordelia Sharma Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

143.Shorabh Sharma

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

144.Rouzi Shengelia

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

145.Jeremy Shugar

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

146.Naveen Singanamala

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Orthopedic Surgery

147.Swapnil Singh

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Orthopedic Surgery

148.Alyson Smith

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc

149.Anita Soni

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Critical Care (intensivists)

150.Maria Srinivasan

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Critical Care (intensivists)

151.Yoo Suh

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

152.Gladys Tackie-yarboi

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Nurse Practitioner

153.Jiankun Tong

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

154.Natoushka Trenard

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Critical Care (intensivists)

155.Dyanne Velasquez

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Physician Assistant

156.Ricardo Velasquez Saldana

2175 Quarry Rd
Bronx New York 10457-1663
Sbh Physicians Pc
Pulmonary Disease

157.Sushma Venugopal

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

158.Ivette Vigoda

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc

159.Ashley Voroba

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Emergency Medicine

160.Corneliu Vulpe Md

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
General Surgery

161.Frank Watkins Md

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Orthopedic Surgery

162.Tiruwork Wondemunegne

4422 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-2545
Sbh Physicians Pc
Internal Medicine

163.Lynn Zaremski

4487 3rd Ave
Bronx New York 10457-1526
Sbh Physicians Pc
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)