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ATWOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES LTD which has, as of our last update, 22 members. This page should link to all members of the group. Each profile contains ratings as well as phone numbers and all locations (if they work out of more than one locations).
Specialties they offer in the group include: Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology), Critical Care (intensivists), Emergency Medicine, Family Practice, Hospitalist, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Nurse Practitioner, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Physician Assistant, Pulmonary Disease, Rheumatology

ATWOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATES LTD has offices in the following cities: Johnston, North Providence

Providers in the same medical group

1.Jason Austin Md

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Family Practice

2.Karen Azar

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Nurse Practitioner

3.William Beliveau Md

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Pulmonary Disease

4.William Beliveau

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Internal Medicine

5.Remuel Briones

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Internal Medicine

6.Amanda Burr

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Physician Assistant

7.Raffi Calikyan Md

1352 Smith St
North Providence Rhode Island 02911-3349
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Internal Medicine

8.Ruby Derogene

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Physician Assistant

9.Babak Deyhimpanah

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Internal Medicine

10.David Dicecco Md

1352 Smith St
North Providence Rhode Island 02911-3349
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Internal Medicine

11.Stephanie Drainville

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Physician Assistant

12.Kathleen Gordon Md

1352 Smith St
North Providence Rhode Island 02911-3349
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Internal Medicine

13.Navya Kirla

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd

14.Lalitha Koduri Md

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Infectious Disease

15.Richard Lim

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Internal Medicine

16.Andrew Macko Pa

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Physician Assistant

17.Susan Mckenna

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Nurse Practitioner

18.Noella Menassa Pa

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Physician Assistant

19.Jack Mourad Md

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Emergency Medicine

20.Tara Nimiroski Np

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Nurse Practitioner

21.Suraj Ram

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd

22.Gisele Saliba Md

1524 Atwood Ave
Johnston Rhode Island 02919-3288
Atwood Medical Associates Ltd
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)