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AFFINITY PHYSICIANS LLC. which has, as of our last update, 599 members. This page should link to all members of the group. Each profile contains ratings as well as phone numbers and all locations (if they work out of more than one locations).
Specialties they offer in the group include: Addiction Medicine, Anesthesiology, Cardiac Electrophysiology, Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology), Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (cns), Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna), Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Social Worker, Colorectal Surgery (proctology), Critical Care (intensivists), Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Family Practice, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, Gynecological Oncology, Hand Surgery, Hematology, Hematology/oncology, Hospice/palliative Care, Hospitalist, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Interventional Cardiology, Interventional Pain Management, Medical Oncology, Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Nurse Practitioner, Obstetrics/gynecology, Occupational Therapy, Orthopedic Surgery, Pathology, Pediatric Medicine, Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, Physician Assistant, Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery, Podiatry, Preventive Medicine, Psychiatry, Pulmonary Disease, Qualified Audiologist, Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional, Rheumatology, Sleep Medicine, Sports Medicine, Surgical Oncology, Thoracic Surgery, Undersea And Hyperbaric Medicine, Urology, Vascular Surgery

AFFINITY PHYSICIANS LLC. has offices in the following cities: Providence, Warwick

Providers in the same medical group

1.Stephanie Aaron

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

2.Reshma Abraham

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

3.Geeta Abraham

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

4.Munirat Adebimpe

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

5.Benjamin Adler

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

6.Katelyn Agnew

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

7.Linda Aguiar

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

8.Sadaf Ali Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

9.Rebecca Allen Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

10.Zaid Almarzooq

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

11.Julia Alpin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

12.Gretchen Anderson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

13.Ellen Andrews-manocchia Cna

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

14.David Anthony

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

15.Armenag Antranigian

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

16.Denise Arcand

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

17.Andrea Arena Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

18.Farah Aslanzadeh

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

19.Eilean Attwood

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

20.Thomas Atwood

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

21.Nina Ayala

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

22.Dana Ayoub

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

23.Cari Azevedo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

24.Kate Baccari

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

25.David Bader

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

26.Kevin Baill Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

27.Paul Baker

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

28.Deeksha Bakshi

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

29.Ashley Baldwin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

30.Weston Banker

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

31.Ana Sofia Barber De Brito

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

32.Erin Barlow

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

33.Ryan Barnicle

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

34.Pedro Barros Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

35.Yasmin Bata

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

36.Natalia Belosloudtseva

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

37.Rebecca Bennard

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

38.Ariana Bensusan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Preventive Medicine

39.Yosef Berlyand

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

40.Amir Bernaba

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

41.Allison Bernier

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

42.Eric Berthiaume Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

43.Rachael Biancuzzo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

44.Douglas Blecker Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

45.Alison Block

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

46.Eric Boettjer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

47.Kevin Boog

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

48.Tanya Booker

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

49.Lisa Borge Pa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

50.Theodor Borgovan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

51.Jeffrey Borkan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

52.Dawn Borschel Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

53.Hailey Bossio

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

54.Nancy Botelho Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

55.Jason Boulware

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

56.Seth Bourn

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

57.Kathleen Bowling Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

58.Amy Boyer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

59.Heather Boyle

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

60.Audrey Boyle

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

61.Stephanie Braunthal

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

62.Judson Brewer Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

63.Michelle Brodeur

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

64.Jimmette Brooks

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

65.Erin Brousseau Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

66.Benjamin Brown

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

67.Matthew Brown

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

68.David Broza Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

69.Danielle Bryant

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

70.Michelle Buffington

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

71.Danny Bui

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

72.Gabrielle Burke

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

73.Billie Burke

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

74.Dayna Burrell

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

75.Terrence Cahill

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

76.Rosalie Camacho

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

77.Laura Canavan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

78.Alyssa Caouette

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

79.Mary Ann Caouette

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

80.Umberto Capuano Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

81.Tara Capuano

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

82.Maria Paula Caramez

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

83.Cassandra Carberry

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

84.Chelsy Caren Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

85.Raquel Carneiro Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

86.Pierre Caron

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

87.Linda Carpenter

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

88.Stephen Carr Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

89.Linda Carro

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional

90.Ariana Carvajal

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

91.Erin Casimiro

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

92.Christine Cassel Pa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

93.Rabin Chandran Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

94.Victoria Chang

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

95.Christine Charpentier Pa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

96.Louis Charron

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

97.Gillian Chase

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

98.Hannah Chason

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

99.Kenneth Chen

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

100.Kimberley Chiappone

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

101.Andrew Chisholm

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

102.Norman Chou

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

103.Benjamin Christian

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery

104.David Cicerchia Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Orthopedic Surgery

105.Fiona Clement

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

106.Max Cohen

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

107.Maya Cohen

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

108.Emily Cohn

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

109.Meghan Collier

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

110.Kadesha Collins Fletcher

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Geriatric Medicine

111.Emily Colyer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

112.Micaela Condon

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

113.Molly Cook

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

114.Laura Cook

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

115.William Corrao

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

116.Frank Corrigan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

117.Kerri Costa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

118.Doris Costello

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

119.Paul Costigan Cna

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

120.John Cribb Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

121.Rebecca Crichton Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

122.George Cristescu

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

123.Holly Cromwell Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

124.Beth Cronin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

125.Kayla Cross

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

126.Wilfredo Curioso

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

127.Lynn Curran

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

128.Stephanie Czech

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

129.Jesse Dalton

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

130.Dung Dang

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

131.Matthew Danish

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

132.Brittany Dawson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

133.Gildasio De Oliveira Md

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

134.James Deady

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

135.Katy Deblois

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

136.Elizabeth Decker

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

137.Catherine Degood

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

138.Lyndsay Dematteo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

139.Beatriz Demoranville Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

140.Diane Depasquale

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

141.Joseph Diaz Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

142.Zobeida Diaz

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

143.Christy Dibble

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

144.Joseph Dibernardo Pa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

145.Charissa Dinobile

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

146.Paul Disilvestro Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Gynecological Oncology

147.Andrew Dixon

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

148.Andrea Dolaher

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

149.Emilissa Domingo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

150.Carol Donabedian

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

151.Lisa Donahue

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

152.Thomas Doran

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

153.Garima Dosi

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Vascular Surgery

154.Anne Dulski

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

155.Nicole Durfey Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

156.James Dyer Ii Md

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

157.Saikiran Earasi

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

158.Mary-kate Earley

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

159.Corey Eastman

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

160.Jasmine Ebott

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

161.David Edmonson Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

162.Renee Eger

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

163.Ammar El Sara

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

164.Fadya Elrayess

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

165.Theodor Ene

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

166.Gary Epstein-lubow

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

167.Matthew Esposito

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

168.Kiley Fair

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

169.Gregory Fanaras Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

170.Ahsan Farid

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

171.Melanie Faust

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

172.Mariam Fayek Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

173.Steven Fera

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

174.James Ferguson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

175.Heather Ferri

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

176.Ziad Fersan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

177.Angela Fishman Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

178.Nicole Flanagan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

179.Cameron Fletcher

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

180.Kathryn Fokas

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

181.Christine Foley

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

182.Lamara Ford

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

183.Laura Forman

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

184.Claire Fortier

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

185.Joseph Friedman Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

186.Andrew Fukuda

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

187.Ana Fulton Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

188.Christopher Furey

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

189.Martin Furman Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

190.Rodolfo Galinatti

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

191.Jennifer Gass

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

192.Jennifer Gassner

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

193.Jonathan Gastel Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Sports Medicine

194.Joseph Geary

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

195.Melanie Gelfand

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

196.John Gelzhiser

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

197.Douglas Genereux

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

198.Angelica Gigliello

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

199.Alexis Gimovsky

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

200.Jeannine Giovanni Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

201.Daren Girard Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

202.Melissa Gleckel

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

203.Nicole Gleyzer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

204.Anupriya Gogne

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

205.Meryl Goldhaber

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

206.Samuel Goldman

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

207.Duane Golomb Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

208.Maria Gonzalez Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

209.Michelle Gonzalez

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

210.Biju Gopalakrishnan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

211.Steven Graff Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Hand Surgery

212.Chelsea Graham

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

213.Benjamin Greenberg

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

214.Heinrich-karl Greenblatt

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

215.Jamie Greenman

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

216.Stephanie Grzych

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

217.Joseph Guarnaccia

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

218.Medhavi Gupta

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Medical Oncology

219.Manoj Gurung

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

220.Tracey Guthrie Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

221.Charles Hackett

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

222.Matthew Hall

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

223.Megan Hallonquist

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

224.Amy Halt

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

225.Katie Hamblett Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

226.Ahmed Hamed

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

227.Maureen Hamel

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

228.Brittany Hampton Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

229.Robert Hance

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

230.Scott Handley

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

231.Erica Hardy

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

232.Ayesha Hassan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

233.Holly Hayes

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

234.Jenny Healey

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

235.Jason Heath

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

236.Jordan Hebert

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

237.Chester Hedgepeth Iii Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

238.Robert Heinl

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

239.Stephen Hendriksen

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

240.Meghan Henry

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

241.James Higgs

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Infectious Disease

242.Adam Hobbins

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

243.Ellen Hoffer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

244.Ian Hoffman

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

245.Erin Hogan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

246.Mary Hohenhaus Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

247.Molly Holt

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

248.Brian Honeyman

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Hospice/palliative Care

249.Katrina Horner

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

250.Safiyah Hosein

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

251.Hisham Hourani

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

252.Elisabeth Howard Cnm

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

253.Elizabeth Howland

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

254.Erik Hoy

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery

255.Whitney Hudak

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

256.Edward Huey

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

257.Gabriele Hughes Cns

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (cns)

258.Paula Hughes Pa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

259.Kirsten Hull

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

260.Linda Hunter

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

261.Heather Hurlburt Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

262.Reema Husain Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

263.Alice Hwang

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

264.Ambreen Ijaz

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

265.Arshad Iqbal Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

266.Laurie Isabella

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

267.Akinobu Itoh

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Thoracic Surgery

268.Elias Jabbour

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

269.Angela Jacavone

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

270.Aimee James

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

271.Jennifer Jarbeau Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

272.John Jardine Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

273.Benjamin Javery

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

274.Ilse Jenouri

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

275.Ambrish Jha

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

276.Nina Ji Md

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

277.Eileen Johnson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

278.Jeffrey Jones

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

279.Plakyil Joseph Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Medical Oncology

280.Aaron Kaiser

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

281.Hung-teh Kao

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

282.Jan Karczewski

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

283.Patricia Karwan Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

284.Hasene Kasaroglu Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pediatric Medicine

285.Lauren Kelly

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

286.Christen Kelly

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Qualified Audiologist

287.Elizabeth Kettyle

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

288.Zain Khalid

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

289.Jay Khambhati

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

290.Razib Khaund Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

291.Hussain Khawaja

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

292.Alice Kim Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

293.Peter Kim

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

294.Joshua Kim

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

295.Peter Kirk

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

296.Dominic Kleinhenz

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Orthopedic Surgery

297.Julie Knutson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

298.Martha Kole-white

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

299.Bruce Koplan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiac Electrophysiology

300.Nicole Korbly

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

301.James Kramarz

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

302.Naomi Kramer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

303.Darif Krasnow

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

304.Ida Kruse

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

305.Maggie Kuch

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

306.Neha Kumari

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

307.Nicholas Kuttner

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

308.Gina La Prova

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

309.Kimberly Lamendola

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

310.Seth Lampert

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

311.Jill Lamson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

312.Guy Lancellotti

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

313.Latoya Lange-smith

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

314.Ashley Langella

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

315.Lee Anne Lasher

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

316.Laurie Laverty

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

317.Caitlin Lawrence

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

318.Richard Leach Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

319.Sung Hee Lee

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

320.Michael Lee

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

321.Ka Wing Lee

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

322.Janet Lefkowitz Do

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

323.James Lemieux

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

324.Daniella Lennon

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

325.Brandon Lentine

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Orthopedic Surgery

326.Kimberly Leon

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

327.Kendra Levi

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

328.Adam Lewkowitz

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

329.Lindsay Lichtenfels

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

330.Swee Lim

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

331.Zachary Lipsman

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

332.Elizabeth Lokich

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

333.Anthony Lombardi

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

334.Julia Longo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

335.Heather Losee

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

336.Junyang Lou

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Interventional Cardiology

337.Megan Lovell

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

338.Alexander Lubin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

339.Michael Lucarelli

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

340.Melissa Ludwig

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

341.Jessica Lussier

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

342.Kaila Madera-stein

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

343.Neal Madhani

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

344.Cynthia Mahoney Cns

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist (cns)

345.Teresa Maine

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

346.Christopher Malgieri

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

347.Thomas Mancini

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

348.Kamran Manzoor

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Critical Care (intensivists)

349.Terry Marryshow

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

350.Emily Martell

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

351.Nelson Martins

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

352.Vanessa Marzilli

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

353.Robin Masi Pa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

354.Eric Mastrogiacomo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

355.Cara Mathews

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Gynecological Oncology

356.Adam Matson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

357.Andrew Matson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Hand Surgery

358.Kimberly Matteson

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

359.Amanda Matteson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

360.Erica Mayer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

361.Katherine Mccleary

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

362.Emily Mccue

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

363.Donna Mcdonald

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

364.Kimberly Mcdonough

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

365.Elisa Mceachern

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

366.Andrew Mcgrath

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Qualified Audiologist

367.Jonathan Mckinney

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

368.Nicole Mclaughlin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

369.Matthew Mcmullen

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

370.Joseph Mcnamara

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pediatric Medicine

371.Ciaran Mcnamee Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Thoracic Surgery

372.Ani Megerdichian

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

373.Shirley Mengalle Dione

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

374.Molly Merlino

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

375.Alisa Merolli Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

376.Rachel Mihalos

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

377.Katherine Miller

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Gynecological Oncology

378.Emily Miller

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

379.Kathryn Mills

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Hospice/palliative Care

380.Taro Minami

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

381.Mary Minn Md

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

382.Benjamin Misemer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

383.Maya Mistry

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

384.Jonathan Mitchell

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

385.Srilakshmi Mitta

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

386.Martha Moe

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

387.Nadeem Mohammed

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

388.Carmen Monzon

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

389.Monique Morales

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

390.Genesis Morel

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

391.Esther Morency

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

392.Elizabeth Morgan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

393.Meaghan Moriarty

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

394.Lynn Morriseau Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

395.Ashley Morrison

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

396.Jessica Morse

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

397.Morgan Motia

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

398.Ahmad Muammar

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

399.Tariro Mupombwa

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

400.Melissa Muriel

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

401.Heather Murphy

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

402.Kathleen Murphy Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

403.John Murphy

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

404.Melissa Murphy

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Colorectal Surgery (proctology)

405.Yayra Musabek

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

406.Deborah Myers Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

407.Ariane Myrtle

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

408.Jennifer Nadeau

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

409.Linda Nanni

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

410.Stanley Nasraway Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Critical Care (intensivists)

411.Kira Neel

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

412.David Nelson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

413.Aaron Nepaul

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Geriatric Medicine

414.Gerda Newcomb

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

415.Stephanie Ng

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

416.Guy Nicastri Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

417.Thomas Noonan Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

418.Thomas O'brien

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Infectious Disease

419.Ryan O'kelly

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

420.Laura Ofstead Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

421.Nnenna Okpara Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

422.Alvaro Olivares

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

423.Laurie Ann Oliveira

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

424.Matthew Oliver

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

425.Samira Ouklilane

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

426.Anais Ovalle

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

427.Christopher Palmer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

428.Jamie Patterson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Surgical Oncology

429.Sandra Peasley Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

430.Richard Peloquin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

431.Henry Pendleton Jr.

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

432.Leland Perice

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

433.Tammi Marie Phillip

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

434.Kathleen Phillips Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

435.Daniel Piascik

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

436.Elaine Piasecki

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional

437.Michael Picchioni

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

438.Jessica Pineda

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

439.Jennifer Platt

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

440.Mihaela Podovei

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

441.Jaimie Pogany

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

442.James Pollard

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

443.Kalpana Polu Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

444.Matthew Pommerening

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Thoracic Surgery

445.Christian Pope

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

446.Raymond Powrie

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

447.Johnna Pratt

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

448.Lawrence Price

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

449.Michael Prucha

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

450.Michael Quas

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

451.Murli Raman Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Interventional Cardiology

452.Anuradha Ramaswamy Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

453.Stacy Ramsey Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

454.Charles Rardin Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

455.Steven Rasmussen

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

456.Shakti Rau

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
General Surgery

457.Diane Reali Marini Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

458.Jared Reichenberg

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

459.Cerena Reid-maynard

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

460.Stephanie Ricci

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

461.Caroline Richardson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

462.Matthew Ricketson Ot

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Occupational Therapy

463.Meghan Riddle

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Geriatric Psychiatry

464.Peter Rintels Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

465.Michelle Ristuccia

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

466.Nicole Rivera

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

467.Rachel Roach Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

468.Debra Roberts Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

469.Andrew Robin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

470.Kathleen Robinson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

471.Alicia Rodrigues

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

472.Jennifer Rosenbaum

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

473.Dwight Rouse Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

474.Peter Rudden

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

475.Karen Rugg

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

476.Kelly Russell

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

477.Melissa Russo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

478.Heather Rybasack-smith

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

479.Ashraf Sabe

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Thoracic Surgery

480.Elizabeth Sacco

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

481.Samantha Saccoccia

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

482.Bachir Sakr Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Medical Oncology

483.Mark Salmon

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

484.Jason Salter

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

485.Sundaresan Sambandam

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

486.Evelyn Sanchez

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

487.Andrew Sandefer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation

488.Virtue Sankoh

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

489.Marygene Santa Teresa Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

490.Lucasjorge Santana De Castro Alves

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

491.Rebecca Santille

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

492.Ralph Santoro Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

493.Brenda Satterthwaite

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

494.Shane Scavello

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

495.Brian Schmidt

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

496.Patrick Schule

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

497.Catharine Scully

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

498.Lysandra Serrano

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

499.Isha Shah

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

500.Robert Shalvoy

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Orthopedic Surgery

501.Purva Sharma

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

502.Laura Shawhughes

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

503.Edward Sheehan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

504.Ealaf Shemmeri

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Thoracic Surgery

505.Kathleen Shilko Mnt

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional

506.Julia Shinnick

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

507.William Sikov Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

508.Sharon Silverman Shepard

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

509.Navneet Singh

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

510.Michael Sisitsky

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

511.Luisa Skoble

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

512.Caroline Skudlarek Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

513.Teresa Slomka

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

514.Jeanne Smith

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

515.Heather Smith

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

516.Kimberly Smith

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

517.Megan Smith

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

518.Amy Snyder

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

519.John Soehl

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

520.Rachel Sperry

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

521.Michael Stanchina Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

522.Jami Star Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

523.Kim Stein

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

524.Karen Steinmetz

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

525.Sevak Stepanian

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

526.Garrick Stewart

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

527.Ashley Stuckey Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

528.Edward Suh

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

529.Jamie Sullivan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

530.Elizabeth Sullivan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

531.John Sullivan

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

532.Kristen Sundin

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

533.Vivian Sung Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

534.Ghulam Surti Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

535.Mary Sutter

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

536.Karen Sweitzer

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

537.Christopher Szlezak

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

538.Ara Tachjian

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

539.Thomas Tadros

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

540.Lauren Talbert

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Registered Dietitian Or Nutrition Professional

541.Elizabeth Tammaro

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

542.Angela Tang

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

543.Gofran Tarabulsi

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

544.Robert Tavares

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

545.Gladys Telang Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

546.Kathryn Tente

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

547.Brian Tesar Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

548.Geetika Tewary

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

549.Jinen Thakkar

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

550.Meena Theva

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

551.Brian Theyel

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

552.Lincoln Tirpaeck

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Cardiovascular Disease (cardiology)

553.Rafael Torres Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

554.Philip Trupiano

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

555.Margaret Tryforos

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

556.Nicholas Turilli

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

557.Methodius Tuuli

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

558.Jean Twomey Csw

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Social Worker

559.Audrey Tyrka

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

560.Anna Tyson

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

561.Lisa Uebelacker Cp

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Clinical Psychologist

562.Jody Underwood Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

563.Jonathan Vanadore

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

564.Marisa Vanpoznak

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

565.Vincent Varamo

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

566.Pooja Verma

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

567.Mauricio Villamar

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

568.John Vitelli Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

569.Felipe Vivas Orozco

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine

570.Cynthia Voytas

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

571.Hop Vu

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

572.Anas Wardeh Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Pulmonary Disease

573.Aaron Way

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

574.Micaela Weaver

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Surgical Oncology

575.Tyler Weisberger

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

576.Mary Beth Welesko Np

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

577.Gary Wharton Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

578.Carol Wheeler Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

579.Emily White

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

580.Abby White

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Thoracic Surgery

581.Ira Whitten

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

582.Danielle Wiesner

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Nurse Midwife (cnm)

583.Alison Wilkens

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

584.Joanne Wilkinson Md

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

585.Taneisha Wilson

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Emergency Medicine

586.Andrew Winegarner

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

587.Kyle Wohlrab

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

588.Jessica Wood

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

589.Marianne Woodruff

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Nurse Practitioner

590.Jared Wortzman

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

591.Sandra Wright

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)

592.Huai Jen Yang

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

593.Agustin Yip

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

594.Danielle Young

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Physician Assistant

595.Marian Younge

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Family Practice

596.Hadeel Zainah

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Infectious Disease

597.Kate Zaluski

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.

598.Ran Zhang

101 Dudley St
Providence Rhode Island 02905-2401
Affinity Physicians Llc.

599.Hui Zhang

455 Toll Gate Rd
Warwick Rhode Island 02886-2759
Affinity Physicians Llc.
Internal Medicine