There are 1,363 doctors and health care offices that accept Medicare listed for Lansing, Michigan. If a provider has multiple offices in Lansing they will all be listed below. Any additional practice locations in other cities can also be seen on their profile which also includes their phone number, directions, educational background, experience, and more.
Pulmonary Disease
Ghulam Khaleeq
1215 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Pulmonary Disease
Ghulam Khaleeq
1200 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Pulmonary Disease
Ghulam Khaleeq
1210 W Saginaw St Fl MI 48915
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Pulmonary Disease
Ghulam Khaleeq
1210 W Saginaw St MI 48915
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Emergency Medicine
Nadia Khan
2900 Collins Rd MI 48910
Mclaren Medical Group
Internal Medicine
Prakash Khanal
3101 Discovery Dr MI 48910
Mclaren Greater Lansing
Internal Medicine
Prakash Khanal
3220 Discovery Dr MI 48910
Mclaren Greater Lansing
Family Practice
Mark David Kidwell
3955 Patient Care Way MI 48911
Capital Internal Medicine Associates P.c.
Nurse Practitioner
Allison J Kildee
716 N Clippert St MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Nurse Practitioner
Allison J Kildee
1215 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Vituity - Michigan Em Pc
Jessica A Kiley
1540 Lake Lansing Rd MI 48912
Mclaren Medical Group
Jessica A Kiley
401 W Greenlawn Ave MI 48910
Mclaren Greater Lansing
Brian P Killian
4004 W St Joe Hwy MI 48917
Chaehwa Kim
1215 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Family Practice
Lisa M Kimball
2909 E Grand River Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Internal Medicine
Wendy L King
1200 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)
Mary B Kinney
401 W Greenlawn Ave MI 48910
Capital Area Anesthesia Pc
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)
Mary B Kinney
405 W Greenlawn Ave MI 48910
Capital Area Anesthesia Pc
Emergency Medicine
Benjamin Kirk
1215 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Vituity - Michigan Em Pc
Internal Medicine
Justin S Kisaka
3955 Patient Care Way MI 48911
Capital Internal Medicine Associates P.c.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (crna)
Philetus S Kleinschmit CNA
1215 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Physician Assistant
Heather N Klopp PA
1140 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Physician Assistant
Heather N Klopp PA
1215 E Michigan Ave MI 48912
Edward W Sparrow Hospital Association
Physician Assistant
Vida H Klott PA
6465 Millennium MI 48917
Mclaren Greater Lansing
Diagnostic Radiology
Jeffrey Knake MD
3520 Forest Rd MI 48910
Advanced Radiology Services Pc